Wednesday, September 27, 2006

My Wall is Finished!

There is this awful built-in thing on the wall in my living room and I decided I would use it as a frame for a bunch of my pictures of the kids. I finally finished it this weekend! I am very happy with how it turned out and feel it makes the wall look so much better!

Pnuemonia :(

We have been stuck inside all week because Tyler has pnuemonia. We decided to get all dressed up and take some fun pictures inside. The doctors always wonder why I can't tell when my kids are sick - you tell me, does she look sick??

Dog Park

September 11, 2006- So we went to check out a new park I had driven by here in Gilbert. What we didn't know was that it is actually a "dog park." Anyone who knows my children knows they are TERRIFIED of dogs. So we stuck to this tiny corner of the HUGE park where there were no dogs.

Blake taught Tyler ring around the rosies all by himself the other day and now its her favorite thing to do!


September 10, 2006 - Our friends the Riggs came over the other night and I was able to get a few shots of their son Gunner. He is so happy and smiley!

1st Day of School!!

September 7, 2006 - Today was Blake's first day of preschool! He was very excited and had a blast!

They learned the letter A today and made apple pies, airplanes, and painted an apple tree on the front of their bags.

Watch out boys!

September 5, 2006 - This weekend I took pictures of the Albright family. Their family has lots of CUTE kids! These were some fun ones I got...

Labor Day!

September 4, 2006 - We had a fun Labor Day with our friends Jeremy and Jill and their two boys Jackson and Riggs. We got to swim for awhile before a storm rolled in and the lightning started but then we thought we'd better get out!

More beach fun!

August 30, 2006 -

Here is Erikka on the walkway between our beach house and the one next door

Blake had just taken a bath and gotten clean clothes on when we fell in the middle of a puddle. You can see his pants are soaked!

Tay was watching the sand get pulled under her feet as the wave went back and I thought it was really sweet!

Newport Beach

August 22, 2006 - We were able to rent a beach house in Newport Beach this week. My family came down for part of the time and did a little surfing and other fun stuff!

My dad was out there tearin' it up!

The first step is admitting you have a problem ;) Erikka is picking up a few tips...

Matthew spent most of his time under the sand!

Matthew was out with all the surfers on his boogie board. He had a blast!

California here we come!!

The kids and I headed out early to California to spend some time with my family before the beach house. I got to take some pics of my cute sisters Erikka and Taylore and just relax and get out of the heat!

Welcome Charlie!

Aug 11, 2006 - This week we welcomed Charlie into our home! The kids LOVE her, maybe even a little too much! Tyler especially!