Anyway - first we hiked down to a beach just below the bridge that connects the mainland to Whidbey Island...

We stopped for lunch at this cute little bread cafe right on the water. It was very yummy - Avery ate some lemons for lunch ;)

Next we went to Fort Casey which was where they were concerned about invasion during WWI (I think). It was really cool to see, and kind of scary at the same time thinking of what was happening back then. We were able to climb up on everything, and the guns were huge!
This is the view from one of the bunkers a little bit up the hill from where the guns were.

Here is one of the guns...

I thought this was a funny sign - you don't exactly see this every day!

For anyone who is concerned, Mike and Sarah are not throwing Avery off a cliff, they are at the top of the fort, and it slopes down to the water. Its covered in grass so that no one would be able to see it from the water.

This is the view of the lighthouse from on top of the fort.

We took a ferry ride to get back to the mainland.

Day 2 - We began the day by walking down to the lake right next to Mike and Sarah's house and kayaking for a little while. It was really fun - my arms are sore!

Then we headed to the Space Needle. We had already been up, so we didn't go up again but we walked around the Seattle Center.

Thanks Mike and Sarah - we had a blast! And thanks for putting up with my endless pictures!